Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Story of My Life

It's very easy, if you are a stay-at-home mom, to completely forget how to talk to people who are not parents.  My life has exhilarating moments, heartbreaking moments, hilarious moments, and tenderly sweet moments.  And nearly all of them revolve around my daughter.  If I'm not careful, here is what a conversation with a non-parent looks like:

Me: Summer did the cutest thing today!  She picked up a stick and said, 'Question mark.' I looked at it and it totally looked like a question mark.

Non-parent: Oh, cute.

Me: Oh, and today I started singing Christmas music to her, and she looked at me and stuck her fingers in both ears.

Non-parent: Ha, that's hilarious.

Me: I know, right?  She loves Christmas music, though, and she loves it when I sing it to her at night.  When I'm putting her to bed, she always wants me to sing to her in the chair in her room.  So I sit down and ask her what song she wants me to sing.  Tonight, she said, "Jesus," so I started singing her a Primary song about Jesus, but then she interrupted me and said, "Christmas."  So I sang Away in a Manger and Silent Night, and she loved it.

Non-parent: That's so sweet.

Me: Oh, she can say so many things!  When we read No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Summer always supplies all the 'No more monkeys jumping on the bed' parts.  And, when I was singing the Dora theme song, after I sang, 'Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!' she said, 'Oh, man!'  I hadn't even sung that with her before!  It was soooo cute!

Non-parent: Awesome.

Me: But being a parent can be rough.  Today, as I was putting her down for a nap, she grabbed both of these huge, ridiculous earrings I was wearing and pulled as hard as she could.  I yelled at her to stop, but she didn't and just yanked them out of my ears.

Non-parent: (horrified) Oh, gosh!

Me: Oh, it wasn't that bad.  She didn't rip a hole in my ear or anything.  And she's usually really sweet.  She is teething right now, and it's unusually rough on her.  She's getting three of her smaller molars.  All at once.

Non-parent: Oh.

Me:  But she pooped in the toilet, so that's good!  Before she refused to sit on it, but I guess all she needed was a Dora potty seat cover, 'cause now she wants to sit on it all the time!

Non-parent:  Huh.

Me: So, yeah, being a mom is great.  Um, so, how is school going?

I know that reciting all the goings-on with Summer does little to foster a relationship with another person.  I used to be good at making friends and conversation, but I am so rusty I fear I've lost the art.  The sad thing is that it was a talent I had to work for.  In middle school I had a reputation for being stuck-up, but the truth was I was deeply insecure and scared to talk to people I didn't already know, and when I did talk to people I knew I pretty much only talked about myself, because that's what insecure people do.  I got better at that, but now I'm afraid my social skills are the same as they were when I was thirteen and I got a boyfriend and broke up with him the same day.  I hope to get better at it, but it's easier to say nothing, so that's usually what I wind up doing.  That or talk about Summer's Dora potty.

Blogging is sort of similar.  I haven't done it as much lately because I've been insanely busy with work and raising a kid (and baking mini banana cream pies).  I feel bad that Summer is progressing so much and I have done so little to document it, but I'm not too interested in writing a milestone blog, because I know they can be uninteresting to read if the kid isn't related to you.  And while I can turn Summer's funny/sad/cute stories into something funny and worth reading, I don't have the time.  (I have to make mini banana cream pies!  And eat all of them even though I made them for the ladies in my ward whom I visit teach!)

So that pretty much sums up my life: hanging out with Summer which is awesome (except for today when she was awful because of her teething), working, and baking.  Hopefully soon I'll get the guts and find the time to make new friends and write awesome blog posts, too.  Or maybe I'll get the guts to write the posts I want to write and not worry about what people will think.  Or maybe I'll just realize that the internet is a colossal waste of my time and I'll disconnect it and live a very happy life.  Who knows?

P.S.  I represented a client in court for the first time yesterday.  It was....okay.


Sara December 2, 2010 at 11:05 PM  

As a non-parent, I want to let you know that by choosing to remain friends with parents like you, I fully understand that your life stories revolve around your child - she's a cool little kid, learning to be an awesome person like you. If I didn't want to hear about your kid, I wouldn't read your blog. Besides, us non-parents make you listen to dating horror stories, work stories, and stories about our dogs. Who is more pathetic here?

Kami December 3, 2010 at 8:19 AM  

Being a mom is amazing and my kids are the center of my world. I talk about them a lot too! :) I love hearing about Summer and what you've been up to so don't disconnect the internet. Keep blogging.

Brooke December 3, 2010 at 4:08 PM  

Two things:

1. I should probably introduce myself because I'm new to your blog and so you know who this random girl commenting is -- I got sent over by Gurrbonzo and I'm a J. Reub. Clark gal, too. =) Go 2L's! (I'm pretty sure your husband and I are in the same class.)


2. I should definitely be studying for finals right now (yay Admin Law) but your blog is so good that I stopped for an hour and got lost in your posts instead. So, at least as far as this non-parent is concerned, you're definitely not boring. =)

Natalia December 3, 2010 at 7:41 PM  

I say write what you want to write. It's your blog after all :)

Congrats for you first court experience! I had my first (all alone without my boss there to lean on) this past week. One was good, the other not so much.

P.S. While I agree with the internet being a colossal waste of time, I thoroughly enjoy it!

Dorothy December 4, 2010 at 8:55 PM  

Sara: Movies about kids and their antics do poorly at the box office. Movies about dating horror/work horror stories do pretty well.

Kami: Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I could never disconnect the internet.

Brooke: Nice to (sort of) meet you! I hope I see you at school sometime, and I hope I recognize you if that happens. Also, I got lost in your blog for some time, as well. :)

Natalia: It's my blog, and I want to write what I think I would want to read, which takes time. I should probably get over it.

Tess December 9, 2010 at 10:03 AM  

Dorothy, this is such a good post. You always make me smile with your posts. It's so true and after only 2 weeks of having my daughter, I already feel the same way. This is my new life now and if I don't blog about my life, what will I blog about?