Monday, March 24, 2008

Dorothy's favorite fashion junk:

Site name remains anonymous due to profanity:


A Scene From the Life of Beyonce:

(I suggest clicking on the picture to enlarge it)

BEYONCE: So what are you saying?

BEYONCE'S CONCERNED STAFF MEMBER: Those pants were in your dressing room for a reason.


BCSM: We TALKED about how you weren't going to wear hot pants any more. Remember?

BEYONCE: I would never have agreed to that. I'm the president of the American branch of the International Society for the Promotion of Short Shorts.

BCSM: I don't even think that exists.

BEYONCE: I can forward you the newsletter.

BCSM: Can you please just go change into something that doesn't make you look like you forgot to wear bottoms?

BEYONCE: I just don't think that's ever going to happen.

The fun girls are the best. If you want to know where this comes from, email Dorothy.