Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life Is Not Fair

Today I heard about another mom who is going back to school to get her degree. I want to do that! I want to got to classes and discuss interesting things and learn more! I'll even do correspondence classes. Sign me up!

The problem is that I already have a Bachelor's. And a Juris Doctorate. And when you've got tens of thousands of dollars you need to pay off for the education you have, there is no justifying plunking down another five hundred for that awesome Shakespeare class.

Why didn't anybody tell me I would want to keep going to school? Maybe then I wouldn't have been in such a rush to finish.


Tricia,  February 7, 2011 at 10:30 AM  

You don't really want to do that. Trust me. You will realize this soon enough. Don't fret about it. LOL