Thursday, August 27, 2009

Some words and some pictures that have little to do with them

So, I haven’t written part five. This is why I wanted to post this story on the blog: because I hoped people would bug me to finish. And I will. I promise. But first I wanted to write some other stuff.

I went to a class at education week that was called something like “Books are the doorway to the universe.” It turns out it was about encouraging kids to read. Even though I wasn’t going to have a kid for seven years (because, you see, I knew that), I stayed because it was good information. Wilcox talked about the importance of keeping a journal and gave a piece of advice (the only thing that stayed with me from that class): don’t try to catch up. If you try, you’ll likely never write. Journaling is about figuring out your life as you’re living it, not about keeping your posterity informed that you baked a great pie or that your next door neighbor has a really cute baby.

I figure a blog is similar. Blogging is about keeping in touch with friends and family. You don’t need a play-by-play of our lives to do that. So I’m only going to share a few things that happened in Hawaii.

But you will get random pictures.

I cooked some sweet meals. I can say that because it’s my blog. I made quinoa with chicken and Mexican spices. Quinoa has to be my new favorite food. It’s amazing. A few days later I made a two part meal: first a frittata with zucchini and bell peppers and then oat waffles served with cream whipped with brown sugar and topped with blueberries.

Nathaniel left a few days before I did because he had to start school, which left me in the position of lugging this through an airport:

It was not easy I feel like a rock star for having accomplished that.

As I was waiting at the airport in Phoenix, nursing Summer (with no blanket, by the way. I feel like blankets just scream “Look at my baby sucking on my boob!”), a girl over to me and smiled at the baby and touched her. She was just tickled pink. It was really cute. Later, she came over and asked if she could take a picture. “Sure,” I replied. I didn’t expect, however, that she really just wanted to take a picture Summer nursing, which she did. It was so close to my chest that I could actually see the picture that she was taking, and Summer’s head and my boob filled up the whole thing. Her parents noticed and apologized (not that I really cared), explaining that this girl was breast fed and apparently wasn’t weaned until she was two and a half. That’s unusual, but it still doesn’t explain taking a picture of my boob.

Upon my arrival home, I had to figure out how to put the car seat in the car for the first time. I didn’t do it very well, and the next day, after I made a turn, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw that the car seat had tipped over. Shocked, I pulled over and opened the back door. Summer was just sitting in her car seat, still attempting to eat her stuffed toy frog. Should I be pleased or concerned that getting tipped over and riding sideways in a car didn’t faze her in the least?

I totally thought today was our anniversary. Nathaniel showed me our marriage certificate this morning and proved me wrong. It was two days ago.

I love my life.


Lexi August 27, 2009 at 11:00 PM  

OK so I absolutely LOVED this post for some reason. The quote about the journal, the boob picture story, Summer sleeping in the suitcase, your airport getup, Hawaii, anniversary story...

I really enjoyed it!

By the way, you are my HERO for flying with a baby all the way to Hawaii. I dread taking Parker on just a 2 hour flight from Seattle to Utah. Makes me so anxious every time. She must be a great baby!

Lexi August 27, 2009 at 11:01 PM  

Oh and I just barely noticed under your blog title: We actually don't live in a basement anymore.


Tess August 28, 2009 at 7:57 AM  

I agree! This post is very sweet. I love how you described things...the little things that make life interesting instead of the typical travelogue of "these are all the cool places we went!" (which I do all the time because I'm a little scared to be so open. You've inspired me.)

Your baby is an angel. She is so beautiful and you can tell she belongs to you. And you traveling by yourself with her shows that moms are heroes. They do what it takes to take care of their children.

And your title is wrong. Those pictures have everything to do with what you've written. Thanks for making me smile.

Kami August 28, 2009 at 4:32 PM  

Love the pictures! :) Summer is adorable! :)

Todd September 5, 2009 at 5:09 PM  

I loved the comment about a random kid having no inhibition in taking pics of your boob. It made me laugh out loud which is a tremendous success since I have been depressed all day. Also if that is the strength a mother has to have count me out for a while. I need to pump some major iron. She is cute and you look dang good baby or no baby. your friend, cmb