Friday, September 25, 2009

The News

So I can't find my camera. It's probably hiding behind the couch along with my keys watching me as I frantically search for them. They probably had a good laugh when they saw me freak out about how I couldn't find the Bumbo only to locate it hours later behind the bathroom door. Judging by the fact that a roll of packing tape recently suprised me by popping out from a huge bag of vegetables in the freezer, I'm not holding out hope of finding our camera any time soon. I hope Summer doesn't grow too much before it decides to out itself.

So, the picture-less news. The title of this post makes me want to rant out the real-life news, and how it ticks me off that journalists are willing to scare the living daylights out of the population so they can make a buck, but I'll leave that post for later, if ever. Here, you'll be finding the real-life news of our little world.

So, I might have a job. But there is an equal chance I might not. I have a legal assignment that might lead to something steady and it has reminded me that I actually like doing legal work! So that whole law school thing might have been a good idea.

The law school thing was definately a good idea for Nathaniel. He loves it and he grasps everything well. I'm amazed. I wish he could take the bar for me.

I got my child addicted to sugar. Until today, Summer would not take her pacifier without a bit of sugar on the end. I know, I shouldn't have done it as much as I did, if at all, but holy crap this girl WILL NOT SLEEP. Yesterday, she slept for nine hours at night and then an hour during the day. I'm really okay with that as long as she's healthy, and I think it's healthy for her to sleep a bit more. Luckily, today, after a fervent prayer, I stuck a recently-washed pacifier into her mouth and she took it! So now, Summer will only take a pacifier that has water on it. Weird, but better than sugar.

Summer is freaking cute. Here's an old pic.

It really doesn't to her justice because she's way cuter now. Have you ever seen a kid who is learning to sit up by propping herself on her fists lift up her head and smile at you? If not, you're missing out. Come over and I'll show you.

Squeamish guys should not read this paragraph! I had to buy tampons today. TMI probably, but I feel like I warned you so it's fair. Yeah, tampons. WTF? Summer is less than five months old and I am still nursing every three hours during the day! I turned a few heads when I plunked a box of 36 supers into my shopping cart and yelled "crap," but I think they would have understood if they knew how much I had counted on a lot more time tampon-free.

I love my friends. I don't keep in contact with them as much as I should, but I think about them often and they make me happy. For example, I don't know what I would do without my long talks with Crystal. Crystal and I were in the same ward in Georgia when we were in high school. She is great because she's really smart, she has an amazing perspective on life, and she appreciates crass humor. And when I say smart, I mean really really really smart. If she and the chair of the philosophy department were to talk philosophers, Crystal would totally hold her own. A while ago (three years ago?) Crystal and her husband were stopped at a red light when a teenage girl hit them head on. The accident gave Crystal chronic back pain and since then a major portion her life has been dedicated to managing it. All her plans for more education, a career, and children have been put on hold. Indefinitely. Despite her struggles, our most recent phone conversation focused on who? Me. She helped me see my situation in life as a mother a truly special one and made me see that my view that worth was somehow contingent on a career as flawed. I have been truly happy being a mother and I don't know if I could have done it without Crystal's words of wisdom. Friends are awesome.

The End.

Yeah, that whole "read more..." thing. A lie. If you click on it, you won't read more.


Kami September 25, 2009 at 4:13 PM  

I hope you find your camera soon! :) I hope you get the job, if that's really what you want! :) Being a mom is the best thing in all the world! :)

Todd September 26, 2009 at 7:42 PM  

Hey I made your blog and in a good way. I just moved to texas and have not had a computer for a few weeks and today was my first venture into the world wide web. You made me very happy and pumped my ego which needed it today. Thanks. I love you Dorothy. Call me soon and I am planning on coming to Utah in October.

Annie and Berkeley October 2, 2009 at 1:59 PM  

Tampons! Blah! I had my first monthly gift again two weeks ago. I guess I should feel lucky since I stopped nursing over 2 months ago but it still sucked. Also, here's one for TMI...I started birth control last week and this week I have felt like I am pregnant all over again. I'm sick and bloated. Gross. Ah the joys of being a woman. I really miss you guys. Let's do something.