Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Am Amazing

A while ago I went to an American Heritage TA party with Nathaniel. As I was playing a game with Nathaniel and some of his TA buddies, I bested him with my amazing game-playing action and he started trash talking me. I don't remember the exact comment, but it included him calling me "woman." In a slightly non-respectful way. He turned heads. Many of the TA's looked in our direction with looks that said, "Are you going to let him talk to you that way?" The answer is yes, I let him talk to me that way. Nathaniel, on occasion, makes remarks that could be considered sexist, but I don't care. This blog entry will help elucidate the reason for that.

Yesterday, an amazing thing happened.

I did the laundry.

That's right. I did the laundry ALL BY MYSELF. It wasn't easy either. I gathered all the laundry, took it to the Wymount laundromat, figured out how to do the machine where you pay for it with your BYU ID card, then came back with Summer in tow and switched everything to the dryer. Later, I came back and got the laundry, took it home, and I even FOLDED it! Hurray for me!

Now, you might not think this is very impressive, but it really is. Nathaniel and I have been married for 21 months, and yesterday was my first time doing laundry. I think I should celebrate. Maybe with a cupcake.

So that's why it doesn't bug me when Nathaniel makes his ridiculous semi-sexist comments. Because he does all the laundry, all the vacuuming, more than his fair share of dishes, and probably half the diaper changes. And right now, Nathaniel just learned from a You Tube clip how to fold a fitted sheet and is really excited about it. Nothing in Nathaniel's actions or our interaction, aside from the occasional errant comment, suggests he is remotely sexist.

I do not take advantage of his enthusiasm for housework. I think. I think we share the work around here pretty evenly, and he has never complained. But I'm kind of scared for when he starts law school. I might have to step up a bit. Who knows, I might even have to figure out how our vacuum cleaner works.


Liz and Grant June 20, 2009 at 5:34 PM  

You are a lucky lucky girl, for real, no sarcasm at all. PS summer is stinkin cute!