Friday, July 31, 2009

Looking on the Bright Side

I have a bad habit of going to the emergency room. I've been six times in the past two years. But I love it so much! You just go and they give you all the morphine you want! It's fantastic! I hate those kind of drugs, but after hours and hours of intense pain and no sleep I don't even care about those weird morphine feelings.

I think the pain was related to Crohn's disease. I need to see my GI doctor. We'll see. But I feel so much better now.

I went to the ER on Thursday and on Friday morning Nathaniel's back started hurting. Even though I was feeling much better, I was basically still in a morphine-induced coma and really couldn't take care of Summer. We were so useless. This morning was pretty much just misery on a stick.

But, there are some good things about being sick:

1) An excuse to drink mass quantities of Gatorade.

2) After I awoke from my morphine-induced coma, I realized the apartment looked like a tornado had hit it. So, I guess this means that without me, our apartment would suck. Wow! My life actually has a purpose! I don't mean for this to sound cynical, but it was pretty exciting to realize that I make our lives measurably better.

Okay, this is a completely boring post. Sorry. Here are some pictures of Summer to make up for it.

Summer Baby loves mirrors. A complete narcissist, I tell ya.

Here is the sweet jogging stroller Leslie got us.

Sorry she's not wearing pants. And I know that shirt is gray, but it's actually quite sparkly and girly. So she only looks like a boy from a distance.

Okay, maybe not. But she'd be a dang cute boy, doncha think?

I have an obsession with Summer's feet. Especially when Nathaniel is holding her.

The End.


Kami August 1, 2009 at 7:42 AM  

Cute Pictures! Sorry to hear about you being sick. Oh yeah where is part two to the Our Story?

Annie and Berkeley August 1, 2009 at 1:07 PM  

Cute little Summer. Ah, I love her. I especially like Nathaniel's face in the first picture!